Scents of Life

From Around the World and Eons in the Making


Everything exudes scent -- to inhale deeply is to become fully intimately dance with... to know the deepest essence of life!


The etherically sublime scent of flowers symbolizes the most delicate and elevated human emotions. Joyfully euphoric, their scents bring forth a deep sense of peaceful beauty. Flowers symbolize femininity... their affinity with the feminine apparatus renders them precious to women for their ability to balance feminine energy. When worn by a man, the scents of flowers stimulate intuitive artistic qualities of the Warrior Poet... the Enlightened Man.


If we were to compare the citrus family to the human family, Grapefruit would be the father with its bitter and strong aroma. The Orange would be the mother... feminine, sweet and reassuring. The Lemon is like an adolescent, extreme and rebellious. Bergamot, the daughter... sweet but of independent character. Tangerine with its sweetest tender scent could be no other than the smallest child... is it any wonder that Tangerine essence is used in aromatherapy to balance nervous problems within children? The essences of all fruits cause the heart to rejoice and infuse the air with a sense of good humor as they melt away stress.


Trade has opened the roads of communication between cultures since the beginning of civilization is based on trade...and spices have had a most important role in this phenomenon. The Spice essences allow us to experiment with the scents and tastes of traveling to exotic countries within the perfect comfort of our own homes. They combine the deep fascination for adventure with the homey feeling of security. Their exotic aromas remind us of Christmas feasts... of cookies hot from the oven... and of family and home. Their aphrodisiac natures warm the soul and help unlock our tightly contained emotions. Perhaps this explains the popularity that spicy perfumes have always enjoyed... in fact, spices are the very secret behind some of the most loved fragrances.


In nature, the trees stand straight and strong, emanating quiet force and security. Their scents help us face the difficult times in life without being pulled down by adversities. Trees symbolize the masculine qualities of stability, reliability and tenacity. The woodsy scents evoke the primordial shelter of the trees and of the forests against weather and danger. The scent of the leaves is often balsamic in nature and provokes the expansion of breath, in effect, teaching us to breathe as the tree breathes for it is through the leaves that the trees breathe... their foliage is like a reversed lung. The aromas of the leaves opens the respiratory tract and urges us to raise our head to the sky exactly like the tops of the trees. The essences obtained from the trunks are denser in nature and emanate an image of reassuring force and instill confidence. These scents are more persistent than those of the leaves and are often used in perfumery to give body and tenacity to natural perfumes.


Aromatic resins are noble substances that have the function of protecting the trees who produce them from the aggression of virus, fungi and parasites. These resinous gums are present in small amounts in these trees but their olfactory imprint pervades the entire plant from root to seed because it is it's "spirit" and therefore helps those who smell them to find a state of unity within the physical, mental and emotional dimensions. The aroma of the resins evokes the mystery of the sacred and spiritual authority. Worn as a perfume, they command respect.

Animal Scents

These animal produced aromatic substances have been used by mankind since the dawn of civilization, for their curative scope as well as for pleasure... they hold a significant place in all of the traditional pharmacopoeias. In the past, perfumers used copious amounts of aromatic substances produced by certain animals, although the animals that produce these are few. A special organ is necessary to their synthesis as is the case with the skunk, the mythical Musk deer, the Tibet, Beaver and a few others. In all cases, the aromatic substances produced are pheromones and they have the function of olfactory communication in rapport with the opposite sex and with rivals of the species. Today their price and their rarity prohibit their use in the modern scents of mass perfumery. The molecules of synthesis, although poor substitutes, are good enough to trick the consumer's nose and the deep aspirations of the perfumes houses. However, there are artisan perfumers who still use these rare scents in their natural perfumes and it is still possible to experience the power of these powerful essences.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.



Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.



Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.



Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.



Vivamus congue justo eget diam interdum scelerisque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.


Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus. Fusce porta facilisis luctus. Integer neque dolor, rhoncus nec euismod eget, pharetra et tortor. Nulla id pulvinar nunc. Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend. Praesent lobortis magna vel diam mattis sagittis.Mauris porta odio eu risus scelerisque id facilisis ipsum dictum vitae volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pulvinar neque eu purus sollicitudin et sollicitudin dui ultricies. Maecenas cursus auctor tellus sit amet blandit. Maecenas a erat ac nibh molestie interdum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed lorem enim, ultricies sed sodales id, convallis molestie ipsum. Morbi eget dolor ligula. Vivamus accumsan rutrum nisi nec elementum. Pellentesque at nunc risus. Phasellus ullamcorper bibendum varius. Quisque quis ligula sit amet felis ornare porta. Aenean viverra lacus et mi elementum mollis. Praesent eu justo elit.

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  •   3301 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor Sit St


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris consequat non ex quis consectetur. Aliquam iaculis dolor erat, ut ornare dui vulputate nec. Cras a sem mattis, tincidunt urna nec, iaculis nisl. Nam congue ultricies dui.


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Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere c.Etiam ut dui eu nisi lobortis rhoncus ac quis nunc.